Fourteen cross-country buses seized with exorbitant tariffs seized.
The arrested Tata buses are said to be charging more than 1,000 birr to Gondar outside the station.
According to Tesfaye Beleh, Director of Transport Control at the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, 14 cross-country Tata buses have been arrested in connection with the incident.
He said the current cross-country transport tariff is 350 birr, which is 800 birr.
He said there is currently no shortage of transportation in connection with the baptism ceremony.
Citizens have been paying up to 1,500 for special buses to Gondar, according to our website.
The complainants allege that special buses leased around Stephen Church have run out of tickets by January 12, 2014, with the intention of charging additional fees through their brokers.
In connection with this, the ministry has issued a message to citizens not to use buses outside of the station.
Sheger Bus announces service to 59 million customers in 6 months
Sheger said it has been able to collect 196.2 million birr by deploying an average of 519 buses a day and serving an average of 425,000 customers in the first half of the budget year.
Sheger has transported 58.7 million people in five months, covering 5.2 million kilometers and collecting 196.2 million birr revenue, said Adane Abdeta, Deputy General Manager and Head of the Technical Sector of Sheger Mass Transport Service Enterprise.
Adane added that Sheger is currently expanding its reach and providing services to communities in the Oromia Special Zone around Addis Ababa and around Addis Ababa.