
Interview with Tedyo and Yoadan on Seifu show

The Revenue Bureau has provided materials worth over 6.6 million birr to displaced people.

The Addis Ababa Revenue Bureau has donated more than 6.6 million birr worth of items to displaced and injured people in Ataye and Metekel zones.

Deputy Head of the Bureau’s Legal Sector Bureau, Commander Ahmed Mohammed, said more than 6.6 million birr worth of food and non-food items are being collected.

Commander Ahmed added that we were expected to raise 1 million birr in cash and 4 million birr in material support to the displaced people.

It is said that the relief work has started with the relief items prepared by the city administration.


Electricity supply is expected to be cut off in some areas of Addis Ababa on Thursday and in the coming days.


Thursday, June 24, 2013 from 2 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• From Golgol to Megenagna, Revenue, St. Gabriel Hospital, Shala Park, Bole Health Center, Megenagna Parts and their surroundings;
On the same day, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

• Afincho Ber, Fourth Police Station, Giorgis Church, Garden of Tera, Anwar Mosque, Raguel Church, Dejach Wube neighborhood, Merkato and surrounding areas;

Similarly, from 2 a.m. to 10 p.m.,

• Genet Hotel, Orbis, OAU, Chorana Gas, Mexico Region, Legehar, Gion, National Hotel, Estefanos, Salkost, Ministry of Justice, Stadium, Kazanchis, Women’s Square, Abure, Meles Foundation, Anderase Condominium, Gotera, Gotera , In and around Cherkos Church;

Friday, June 25, 2013 from 2 a.m. to 10 p.m.

• Summit, Flintstone, Wargie, Summit Soft and their surroundings;
Also, on Saturday, June 26, 2013, from 2 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• Senga Tera, Tewodros Square, Commercial Printing House, Piazza, Extra Hotel, Tekle-Haimanot Hospital, Hagbes, Addis Ababa, Paulus Hospital, Motra Hotel, Salt Veranda, Merkato to 7th and its environs;

On the same day, from 2 a.m. to 10 p.m.

• D-Africa Hotel, Black Lion Hospital, Tekle-Haymanot Church, Goma Savings, Legehar, Tele Bar, Ras Hotel, Ambassador, Sheraton, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commerce, Fana, Post Office, Black Lion and their environs;

Also, Sunday, June 27, 2013, from 2 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• In Weibla Mariam, Anfo, Augusta, Olive Quarter, Olive Condominium, Mobil, Russian Camp, Tzena Hospital, Corruption Quarter, Air Health, Sami Cafe Behind, Tabot Dormitory, Engineer Quarter and their surroundings;

On the same day, from 2 a.m. to 9 p.m.

• At Genet Hotel, Orbis, OU, Chorana Gas, Mexico, African Union, Machare, Carl Square, Mexico, Tobacco Monopoly, Grass House, Tele, Electric Power Club, D Africa Hotel, Black Lion Hospital, Tekle Haymanot Church , Tire savings and their surroundings

Therefore, we would like to inform our valued customers to make the necessary preparations in advance as the power supply will be cut off in order to upgrade the power line during these days.

Ethiopian Electric Service

Written by Editor


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