
Yetekelekele Part 132 Kana Tv drama

This is the latest drama series on kana Tv dubbed in Amharic from its original language Turkish.

The Gambella People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM) has announced its candidacy

The Gambella People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM) has unveiled its logo and motto in Gambella today.

The party’s election symbol and motto was announced by the movement’s chairman Peter Aman and other party leaders.

The chairman of the movement said the party’s candidate is the “fish” which is the basis of life for the people of the region.

“We will only win by card,” he said.

He said the movement will work to change the lives of the people in all political, economic and social spheres.

He said the government will work to ensure that the election is peaceful and fair.

According to ENA, the party will carry out its election campaign from today.

Written by Editor


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