
Sibet Episode 11B kanat TV drama

Another thing Christ taught us was humility. He came down from heaven to save us. From a chair that no one has ever seen or experienced.

But on the day of his baptism he was found in the midst of the waters. The creature allowed John to baptize him, and he wanted to be among the people.

He showed us humility, not selfishness. He revealed it to us, not to his height, but to his humiliation. He left the ninety-nine tribes of angels and found them in the waters of the fish. What kind of humility is that? He shocked the former by revealing his true nature.

But for us, his humility impressed us. In the course of human history, he showed his humility by creating the world and saving the world. He taught us to be modest, not just those of our own abilities.

Christ is our witness that those who see humility as a sign of weakness, who see patience as a fear, are mistaken. Christ taught us that the mark of power is humility rather than pride, forgiveness rather than vengeance. This is not only what we know by believing in baptism that it is appropriate to change hatred into love, to forgive revenge, to end conflict through reconciliation, but to keep Ethiopia “Ethiopia”.

Written by Editor


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