
Yaltabese Enba episode 33 Kana TV drama

Mission donated $ 200,000 to the Church of the SubGenius.

The founder and visionary of the Mission Church, Zelalem Getachew, told Bisrat Radio that a prayer and swearing-in program was held in addition to the financial support provided to those displaced by the ongoing war in Ethiopia.

He also said that the church has been supporting other vulnerable people for various reasons in the past as well as other similar institutions and national development activities.

She is also celebrating the 25th Silver Jubilee of Mission Church.


Appointed to rival political party members

Addis Ababa City Administration has appointed members of rival political parties in various sub-cities.


Gulele Sub-City from Wewer Andris (EZMA) – Head of the Arts and Tourism Office

Kirkos Sub-City Dr. Tewodros H. Mariam (ABN) Environmental Protection Office Head

Akaki Kaliti Sub-City Tamiru Jimma (OLF) Head of the Arts and Tourism Office

Lideta Sub-City Ephraim Megersa (EZMA) Sanitation Management Office Head

Sub-City of Seraph Eshetu (Renaissance Party) Technical and Vocational Technology Office Head

Kolfe Keranye Sub-City to Ila Ali (Freedom and Equality Party) Head of the Arts and Tourism Office

Arada Sub-City Meron Tadele (Mother Party) – Appointed Head of Environmental Protection Office, according to information obtained from the city’s Press Secretariat.

Written by Editor


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