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Meta Brewery sold.

It is rumored that the British Diageo company has sold its Meta Brewery. Meta Brewery, which is said to be heavily indebted to the government, has been sold to an international company.

According to sources, the handover will take place within a month, but the buyer’s identity and the amount of money sold have been kept secret.

One month ago, it was reported that Meta Brewery was in debt for 3.7 billion birr.

The factory’s owner, Dijojo, was reportedly paying more than 1 million a month to the laid-off workers after the factory went bankrupt.

Suggested 2,

More than 46 million birr worth of contraband items were seized

Last week, more than 46 million birr worth of contraband items were seized.

During the last week, the Customs Commission seized more than 43.9 million birr worth of contraband goods and over 2.5 million birr worth of contraband items at 13 branches.

The Moyale, Akaki and Jijiga branch offices are the main contenders in controlling the smuggling of goods worth 13 million, 12.1 million and 9.9 million birr respectively.

The contraband was seized through a joint effort by Customs Commission staff, federal police, defense, regional police and the community.

Among the items seized were contraband, electronics, drugs, khat, drugs, cosmetics; It includes weapons and various national currencies.

Four individuals were arrested for smuggling the goods, and we thank the Commission’s staff, state and federal police for their involvement in the smuggling operation.

Written by Editor


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