

Ethiopia Bus Ticket office locations in Addis Ababa

There are several routes from Addis Ababa to other cities which you can take a bus for travelling. There are five main gates to and from Addis Ababa connecting all regional cities with the center. Some of the options you can have for travelling are rent a car, take a bus, take a train and drive by your own.

Since most people are using a bus for their travel, here we have provided you with latest information regarding the ticket offices that are used by the transport service providers. There are two types of bus services that can take you from and to Addis Ababa. The first one is regular buses that you can get your ticket from bus stations. These option is relatively cheaper in price but you may not be as comfortable as you want to be as they transport more than sixty people at a time. The second option is luxuries buses, these are way expensive compared to the regular uses. But they are very comfortable for travelling. They provide you with the best possible experience for your travel.

Below table summarizes the list of ticket offices passengers can visit. These ticket offices are are updated as of April 28, 2021. If you want more ticket offices location and their contact addresses please leave us your valuable comment.

NoBus CompanyThe Bus Address
1Habesha Bus Ticket OfficeStadium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone: +251 92 773 4504
+251 90 101 0101
+251 90 102 0202
2Yegna Bus Ticket OfficeAround Kazanchis, OSAC building 5th floor
Head Office
+251907909090 Addis Ababa Ticket Office
+251908909090 Addis Ababa Ticket
+251907404040 Hawassa
+251907606060 Bahirdar
+251907717171 Enjibara
+251907727272 Mekelle
+251907737373 Gondar
3Zemen Bus Ticket OfficeSms Number: 6162
Office Number: +251 92 020 2020
Phone Number: 0961202020, 0945453333, 0961626262
Email Address: [email protected]
4Gada Bus Ticket OfficeWest line – Asiko car airport
East and south line – Meskel Square
To get Gada bus tickets + 251943155575
East and south Oromia + 251947809116
Call + 251925281127 for more
5Oda Bus Ticket OfficeAddis Ababa 0993 94 96 96
Kality 0993 94 96 98
Hawassa 0993 94 96 88
Dire Dawa 0993 94 96 85
6Walia Bus Ticket OfficeMain Office No, 1st / Espanos Church
No 2 Stadium Ha City Center 1th Floor
No 3 New Market Janbo Building 1th Floor
Ba / Bahir Dar Office Patrol Hotel
Gondar Office Cross (Piassa)
Weldiya Office Shaleka Building
Mekelle Office Under The Hotel
M, M S, No 09-74-24-24-24
Ba / Bahir Dar, No 09-74-16-16-16
Gondar S, No 09-74-23-23-23
Weldiaya S, No 09-74-25-25-25
Mekelle S, No 09-74-19-19-19
7Abay Bus Ticket OfficeAbay Bus Ticket Office Abay And Tana Yrgebeya Maekel
Bahir Dar, Wereda 02 Bahir Dar 1872
Phone: +251 11 156 3414
Mobile 0911 222 306
Mobile 0911 139 155
Mobile 0911 887 071
Mobile 0911 350 897
Mobile 0911 486 022
8Golden Bus Ticket OfficeYeha City Center, Ras Mekonen St 05/06/07, Kirkos Addis Ababa
Call (0929) 312 935
Call +251 94 893 939
Stadium Yeha Building, 2nd Floor
Addis Ababa,
Call +251 93 953 5353
9Sky Bus Ticket OfficeMain Office, Addis Ababa
Telephone: +251114673331 / +251114166310 / +251114668154
Operation Head: +251114673669
Sales and Marketing officer: +251910-179327
E-mail: [email protected]
Piasa taitu hotel ticket office
Telephone: +251111568080, +251111568585
Stadium Yeha city center first floor Office No 08
Mobile :+251910179327
Qera Melaq Trading Building (HEAD OFFICE)
Telephone: +251114673331
10Selam Bus Ticket OfficePhone: +251 11 554 4831
Landline: +251 115 548 800 / +251 115 548 801
Mobile: +251 911 403 977 / +251 911 403 978
Fax: +251 115 158 696
P.O.Box: 101011
11Ethio Bus Ticket Office1.Meskele square amebesa building
2, piazza tayetu hotel
3,Leghare yiha city center 1flower

Written by Editor


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Ethiopia Bus Ticket Offices Addis Ababa

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