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Actress and model Selam Tesfaye speaks about her marriage

Selam Tesfaye interview

Selam Tesfaye was married her childhood friend Aman few years ago and they were blessed with a baby boy. But things look different the couple.

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Alma announced that he will build more than 7,000 classrooms in 90 days and deliver them to users

Addis Ababa, Amhara Development Association (ALMA) has announced a community-wide project movement that will be implemented from March.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Development Association, Ato Melaku Finta÷Alma, mentioned that in the past three years, the association has been conducting a trial implementation of a community-wide project in South Gondar and North Shewa zones.

He announced that in the next three months, Alma will build more than seven thousand classrooms in 1,832 blocks in all areas of the region and hand them over to the users.

The CEO said that 700 thousand Birr has been allocated for this purpose.

He also explained that the implementation of a community-wide project is cost-effective and a better option for handing over short-term projects to the user.

Above all, from planning to project implementation, community participation will greatly enhance the sustainable development and image of the association, Mr. Melaku said, adding that job opportunities will be created for more than 90 thousand young people.

He pointed out that apart from the 1.7 billion birr allocated for the project, efforts are being made to bring the association’s capacity to a higher level by involving the community with energy, knowledge and materials, and to ensure the benefit of the community.

The communication data of the region indicates that the project will be reflected in greater public participation, government leadership, and development cooperation under Alma’s coordination.

He pointed out that the community-wide project is one of the procedures and best practices that Alma has developed over the years. He called on the members of Alma and the people of the region as well as development partners to stand by the association’s side for its implementation.

Written by Editor


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