

Melat Nebiyu interview

Melat Nebiyu is having a time of her life with her new husband after she was separated with Henok Dinku.


The Grand Palace Heritage and Parking Project which is in its final phase!!!

The overall project construction has four levels (4 Basement), including parking, shops, cafeteria, amphitheater, internet service point, work offices and other multi-purpose service building, which is conveniently and beautifully constructed to provide multi-purpose services.

The grand palace heritage and parking lot project, which is in its final phase, is receiving special support and supervision from the top management, and is being monitored by all levels of the construction sector. At present, the activities of putting in chairs, tables, storage cupboards, dining tables and similar facilities for the institution and external customers and organizing the institution are being carried out. Available!!

In addition to the installation of materials, training is being provided to various experts on the issues that enable the control and proper management of the mechanical infrastructure and other building management information (BMI) systems in the building.

The Vibrant Hub of Africa!!!

Tourism Day, which is celebrated for the 43rd time in the world and for the 35th time in Ethiopia, was celebrated today in Addis Ababa with the theme “A new idea for tourism”.

On the Tourism Day being celebrated at the city level, Addis Ababa’s tourism brand and logo was announced as “The Vibrant Hub of Africa”.

Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa, Mr. Jantarar Abai, who attended the program, said, “Our country, Ethiopia, is rich in tourist destinations from Ras Dashen to Dalul, from Aksum to Sof Umar Cave, from Lalibela to Jegol Tower, from Fasiledes Esek Tya Taklan, and all other tourist destinations.”

He also mentioned that as tourism works by following tourist attractions, many tourism organizations in our city Addis Ababa are working as ambassadors for their country and city by promoting our values ​​in addition to creating job opportunities.
Since the expansion of the tourism sector is directly related to tourist attraction, one of the government’s focus areas is tourism, Lt. Jantarar explained that in addition to the existing tourist attractions in Addis Ababa, parks, science museums and other developments have an important role for tourism.

The head of Addis Ababa Culture, Arts and Tourism Bureau, Dr. Hirut Kasau, said that when we celebrate this year’s festival, we are achieving development works in our city with high public participation and the good image of the city is being reflected.

Tourism is not a sector that stands alone and grows alone, but because it is a sector that has a wide potential to create economic and employment opportunities from the flow of tourists who come to the country and move in the country, by linking different sectors in a folder and sector-wide manner; Our city, Addis Ababa, is working to make the sector a beneficiary, he said.
The tourism brand and logo of Addis Ababa city has been announced today by the Tourism Office at the Cross Square, marking the World Tourism Day.

Written by Editor


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