
‘I will support Solomon’ – Ethiopian woman donated 1 million birr

The window of your world
Ethiopia Among the many things that are making Ethiopia funny are the so-called car and real estate business.

When the car business should be run by high-net-worth companies, it has never descended to the level of Korerimana and Black Mint retail and has become a “shop in my chest”.

Every time they wake up, the gold-snake-clothed merchants continue to paint any 50-kilometer yard, increasing their excitement to satisfy their illusory desire for riches.

Any car, including Bajaj, that sells at the Mercedes level and the country is satisfied with the rat poison ad, “She ate there, she died there!” She is up to her neck in a kind of extortion business.

The so-called car assembly plants that flooded the media saying that they opened a big company, and their main characteristic is the queue–years.

The main identity of “big” companies like Moenco is not to bring in a lot, profit from the quantity and introduce at least 3 months of credit service, but to pile up the price and be tasteless.

The simple effort of the rich Hulderg, who now has Birr left over in Ethiopia, to create the “class” that he destroyed makes me laugh! Buying everything at the asking price in the midst of the poor people and giving the same amount of “tip”. I think you can.

  The others are so-called real estate developers. Now they are going to sell us a kennel hanging in the air for 100 million. The government that is responsible for this first managed the land in its hands properly and instead of enabling the development under ALMO, it seems that it is a development that "Addis Ababa has surpassed Tokyo in terms of land value" as a development.

Although I am not an economist, it is pointless if the financial system that increases the cost of living and destroys morals, peace and happiness, fills the coffers. The normal society is going out of orbit. A society that loots everything it has from the diaspora and breeds a system that has nothing to do with the economic reality of the society is harming itself and the country permanently.

This country's radical political actions must be supported by economic changes that lay an economic basis for its citizens. "Dog house in the sky" with many millions and car dealers with shops in my chest are the manifestations of this country's business cancer. Just like the bank, foreign real estate and car sales companies should enter us.

We are tired of being treated like a mortar in Habesha, who has no knowledge, fear of God, or morals, and has no dream of living for decades. Let’s think of new resolutions in the New Year.

By the way, this year’s 10 million lottery winner will not be able to buy a one-bedroom apartment in any real estate development. All good things perish when they reach us.

Written by Editor


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