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Ethio Telecom CEO Frehivat Tamru wins Africa’s number one CEO award

Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamru won the 2022 African CEO Award in the telecommunications sector.

The information we received from Ethio Telecom indicates that the award was given to The Business Executive at the 2022 Africa CEO Awards ceremony organized by Pan West African media in Ghana in Mauritius.

It has been stated that the media institute has compared and awarded key executives engaged in various business sectors in Africa for their contribution to the success of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

In the field of telecommunications, the CEOs of Morocco’s Morocco Telecom, Kenya’s Safaricom, Egypt’s Itsalat and Ethiopia’s Ethio Telecom have been nominated.

In the competition, the CEO of Ethio Telecom, Frehiwot Tamru, has been awarded the 2022 Africa CEO Award, the media institute announced.

Written by Editor


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