

My wife abandoned me due to my height

Balambarasa Abegaz Molla children and their families donated one million birr worth of school supplies to Kutaber High School.

Dr. Belay Abegaz and his family, who are known for their hard work in promoting cardiology in Ethiopia, donated materials to Kutaber Secondary and Preparatory School, one of the war-torn schools established by the Global Education Foundation.

The handover ceremony was attended by the children of Balambaras Abegaz Molla, the Deputy Administrator of the Woreda, Ato Ahmed Abebaw, the heads of the school office, other Woreda leaders, members of the school, principals, teachers and students.

Mayor Adanech Abebe Launches Gardening Movement in Lemi Kura Sub-City !!

Mayor Adanech Abebe today officially launched a garden development movement in Lemi Kura sub-city under the motto “Our food is from our backyard”.

Speaking on the occasion, he said the city administration is working on a special plan to expand urban agriculture.

He said urban agriculture is common in many great countries and in our country we are better in many ways so we can expand urban agriculture with a little input and training.

He reminded that in particular, Addis Ababa will receive fruits and vegetables from afar, and in the process it will be ruined to the point of reaching the city and will reduce its cost.

Therefore, it is important to expand urban agriculture to support the cost of living and improve our diet, he said.

He works not only in a large area but also in a small yard; He also stressed the need to start manufacturing on doors and furniture as well as technology.

Written by Editor


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