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Efforts are being made to reduce the effects of the drought on wildlife.

Efforts are underway to reduce the impact of the drought on wildlife, Borena National Park said.

Despite efforts to build a pool and provide water by truck, Fana Broadcasting Corporation observed wildlife deaths during the park’s inspection.

The park’s scout chief, Okotu Dida, said wildlife had died and other problems had followed.

In particular, he explained that vermicelli and gravy donkeys in the park were dying.

Okotu Dadi, who has served in the park for more than 27 years, said similar problems had occurred in the past but now the damage was even greater.

More than 20 species of animals are found in Borena National Park, among them drought-resistant boars, zebras and deer dying of water and fodder shortages.

The park scout official said work is underway to provide fodder and water to solve the problem.

As a result, swimming pools have been built in various parts of the park, and an attempt is being made to supply grass.

The park scouts focused on the problem and called for coordinated action.

Written by Editor


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