
Famous actress Nardos Adane to get married soon

This is an exclusive video of famous actress Nardos Adane wedding travel to South Ethiopian region. She is joined by her childhood friend. The two are having fun in their travel on Nardos new brand car.


Commander Athlete Derartu Tulu at the Balderas Headquarters on December 29, 2014 wished Eskinder Nega, Sintayehu Chokol, Keleb Seyoum and Askale Demle released their congratulations. She explained.

The athlete expressed her desire for the future of the released leaders and for Ethiopia’s return to peace, unity and dignity.

The President of Balderas, Eskinder Nega, on his part thanked Commissioner Atloh Derartu for his commitment to the party’s office.

He also wished peace and development in Ethiopia.

Other released party leaders expressed their gratitude for the athlete’s presence at the Balderas headquarters and sent a message of congratulations to Balderas on his official Social Democracy page.

Meanwhile, Commander Athlete Derartu Tulu expressed her best wishes to the released Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) senior leader Bekele Gerba, “Welcome home !!”

Written by Editor


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