

Danayit Mekbib got a new boyfriend

Coffee Bank has signed an agreement with the Federal Documents Verification and Registration Agency to help prevent documents fraud.

Bunna Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Federal Documents Verification and Registration Agency (EPA) on August 10, 2013.

According to Mulugeta Alemayehu, CEO of the Bank, the agreement will not only provide efficient service to its customers but also protect its customers from fraudulent documentation.

According to Mulugeta, under the previous system, when an individual came with a power of attorney to move the customer’s account, it was difficult to provide efficient service as the process of verifying the authenticity of the document would take a long time.

Director General of the Federal Document Certification and Registration Service Agency, Muluken Amare, on his part said the agency’s new certification system is a priority, which will enable it to control fraudulent documents.

He also said that in order to ensure the authenticity of the power of attorney of the banks, there is no mechanism to ensure that the power of attorney can be revoked without reference to the original document.

He said the new system will not only be reliable but will also enable banks to serve their customers by verifying the authenticity of the power of attorney without having to come to the agency’s branches.

He said the agency had taken up to seven days to respond to the bank’s request for power of attorney.

Meskel Square has started parking.

The parking lot, which is part of the Meskel Square project, has started providing 24-hour service, according to the Exhibition Center and Market Development Enterprise.

The Meskel Square project, which was inaugurated last June at a cost of over 2.5 billion birr, has started a 24-hour parking service with a capacity of 1,400 vehicles.

The parking lot can be used by all sections of the society, he said, adding that the business community can use digital advertising in addition to the parking lot.

He said the business will be strengthened by organizing religious and public festivals, music concerts, other social events and performances.

He said a study is being carried out at the government level to modernize, develop and provide world-class services to the exhibition center.

According to Tilahun, the center is expected to earn up to 170 million birr in the 2014 Ethiopian budget year.

Written by Editor


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