Cherinet Fikadu has performed admirably on the movie called Kiya with famous actress Marta Goytom and many has wished they could end up as a couple after that successful work.
The Road Fund Office of the Ministry of Transport evaluated the performance of road agencies.
Speaking on the occasion, Director General of the Road Fund Office of the Ministry of Transport of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Rashid Mohammed, said that the Road Fund Office is an institution that collects funds for road maintenance from road users and distributes them to road agencies in accordance with the legal formula.
The road agencies presented their detailed performance report for the fiscal year 2013 EC and extensive discussions were held.
Director General of the Road Fund Office, Rashid Mohammed, detailed the work done on road maintenance and road safety during the budget year. He said road agencies have been informed of the budget allocated to them and submitted a plan in line with the budget.
Head of the Transport Infrastructure Coordination Bureau at the Ministry of Transport, Nasser Adam, said the equipment donated by the office to the states at a cost of 600 million birr this budget year will improve the country’s maintenance performance.
He said work should be done in the next budget year to develop a planned maintenance plan and prioritize it. He also said that the support given to the regions should be based on research based on the capacity of the regions.
Finally, the Director General, Mr. Rashid, said that the road agencies should take advantage of the experience and fill in the gaps to achieve better performance in the coming budget year. You have verified.