

Dawit Alemayehu married beautiful Ethiopian artist

Deputy Mayor Adanech Abebe cleaned the sewer pipes with Aisha Mohammed

Deputy Mayor, Adanech Abebe, along with the Minister of Urban Development and Construction, Aisha Mohamed, cleaned the sewers in Lafto sub-city.

“Our city’s sewers are drainage, not garbage!” The 2nd Sewerage and Sewerage Cleaning Campaign was carried out in various sub-cities.

Deputy Mayor Adanech Abebe, along with the Minister of Urban Development and Construction, Aisha Mohammed, planted seedlings in condominiums in Lafto sub-city of Lafto sub-city and cleaned the drainage pipes.

He said residents should not contribute to the beauty and cleanliness of the city by not throwing away rubbish.

Adanech Abebe said more than 6,000 kilometers of drainage pipes have been cleaned in the past few months.

The Minister of Urban Development and Construction, Aisha Mohammed, on her part, said the Addis Ababa City Administration’s efforts to clean up the environment should be encouraged as it is an example for other cities as well.

Distinguished Competing Parties,

One of the most important tasks to do in order to brighten the future of our country is to manage our political affairs in a civilized manner. As I stated in my introduction, this responsibility is not limited to the government and the elected party; We have seen over and over again that even if a person wants to do something, it is not the right thing to do.

We understand from the past that many parties must work together to ensure a democratic election, let alone build a civilized political system. If this year’s election had not been possible with your support and cooperation, it would not have been possible in a fair and democratic manner.

I would like to emphasize that in the years to come, we need your usual cooperation and unwavering support to ensure that our democratic building process is grounded. We believe that your role in the prosperity of our country is crucial.

Despite our political differences, we are ready to work with you on any political and economic agenda that will benefit our country and our people.

Dear management and staff of the institutions that made the election a success,

To make this election a success, you have paid a high price for Meles’ leadership and staff, as well as all election officials and observers. Despite the pressures from left to right, you have left an indelible mark on our country’s democracy. He will write your name in this story.

Security forces: You have played a significant role in making the election peaceful; You deserve glory because you did not sleep and all our fears vanished like a mist.

Similarly, private and public media outlets provide fast and balanced information to the public; Ethiopia would also like to thank the Ethiopian Telecommunication Staff for their contribution in the field of text messaging.

Dear leaders and members of our party,

We believe that a clear understanding of the message of this election will pave the way for our future. The people did not vote for us because our party was flawless; He gave us a chance, but we did not win.

The people have chosen us, on the one hand, to make up for what we have lost, on the other hand, to continue our good beginnings, on the other hand, to deliver on the momentous changes that are crucial in terms of nation building. Our people are well aware of our shortcomings.

He well knows that among us there are leaders who are free from theft, who do not care about human life, who do not obey the law, and who do not fulfill their responsibilities. When He gives us the voice, we are also correcting it, even when we say, We must show it by our actions. We know that if we do not do this, we will be punished by the card in five years.

Written by Editor


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