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The opening ceremony of the 50th Ethiopian Athletics Championships is underway.

The 50th Golden Jubilee Ethiopian Athletics Championship kicked off at the Addis Ababa Stadium today.

Athlete Major Derartu Tulu, who inaugurated the program, said that during the past 50 years, many athletes have taken part in the competition and raised our country on the world stage.

He said the federation has played a major role in supporting the past 37 projects and seven training centers to produce young people.

He said the athletics federation is not preparing for the Tokyo Olympics eight months ago.

The golden jubilee event was attended by prominent athletes and invited guests, including Ethiopian Sports Commission Commissioner Elias Shikur.

The opening ceremony of the 50th Ethiopian Athletics Championships Gold Jubilee is underway. The 50th Golden Jubilee Ethiopian Athletics Championships kicked off at the Addis Ababa Stadium today. He said the federation is playing a major role in the past 50 years by supporting 37 projects and seven training centers for the development of young people. The golden jubilee event was attended by prominent athletes and invited guests, including Ethiopian Sports Commission Commissioner Elias Shikur.

Written by Editor


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