

Artist Dagmawit and Samson beautiful Family

Artist Dagmawit Tsehaye and Samson Tadesse Baby just celebrated their tenth year anniversary. Dagmawit is full of good words for her husband. She is really appreciative of him.

She confirmed that she stopped playing Zawork Asfaw music

The queen of Zaworki Asfaw said that she is not working on music at the moment during her interview with FM Addis 97.1.

“Although I have existing and new jobs in hand, the conditions and the inconvenience of the system in the sector have made me withdraw from music,” she explained.

“Nowadays, new singers are making requests to sing my existing works. Although this makes me happy, it has to get the approval of the authors who own the work,” she said.

“Instead, novice vocalists should think about the future and contribute something new by focusing on their own creative work,” she advised.

She has been in music for more than three decades, it is impossible to see her singing on the stage again with her previous love and interest in Zawork. She also told the Sunday program that she is not interested in it.

The Queen of Memories, including “Tizta”, “Who Are They Calling Me”, “Medeved Kakorah” and “To Live” and “Yagere Airtarane”, including “Tzta”, which was popularized by Zaworki Asfaw, presented songs that were loved by many listeners.::(97.1 FM)

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