
It is for the sake of love – Sayat Demissie

It was stated that the activities being carried out by infrastructure and service providers should be strengthened and continued in a coordinated manner so that the celebration of Al Akbar of Demerah and Irecha, registered by UNESCO, can be completed in a vibrant and peaceful manner.

The General Manager of Addis Ababa City, Ato Tolatu Yeine, who is the Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa City, reviewed the preparatory work being done by the relevant institutions to enable the cultural and religious values ​​and traditions of the two festivals that are celebrated in Addis Ababa city in the current month of September without exception to be celebrated in his office.

In the discussion, leaders of the Ethiopian Electric Power and Addis Ababa Branch Electric Power Service, Roads Authority, Fire Department, Urban Beauty and Green Development Bureau, Design and Construction Works Bureau, Transport Bureau, Cleaning, Slaughterhouses and other related institutions presented a report on the status of the preparatory activities carried out in their respective institutions.

At the same time, Ato Tolatu Yeine said that the activities carried out during the New Year celebration should be taken as a good experience so that it can be celebrated in Alatu without any security risk.

He also stressed that for these public and public festivals that will soon be celebrated, electricity, water, cleaning, fire prevention and other services that are important for the celebration of the festival should be implemented immediately in a coordinated and legible manner.

Ato Tolatu Yeine added that this coordinated action should be strengthened by involving and coordinating all the residents of our city until the end of the event and pointed out that the top management of the city administration will continue to lead the task with close support and supervision.

Written by Editor


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