
St. Gabriel’s annual celebration best photos

St. Gabriel annual celebration was held in different cities of Ethiopia. Hawassa and Kulubi are the most attended one.

Artificial hand (Myoelectric hand)

Ethiopia Today, we handed over the raw materials for the artificial hand (myoelectric hand) that we promised to student Benjamin.

Ato Solomon Amare
It will be remembered that Binyaam, a student who has returned to school and is currently pursuing his medical studies at Addis Ababa University’s Black Lion Specialized Hospital, was recently suspended for not attending classes because he has a disability in one hand.

At that time, please send him back to his studies, it is known that we promised him that we will make him a good modern artificial hand to help him in his studies and work.

According to our promise, today, through our representative, journalist Rahel Abebe, we handed over the artificial hand with its full joint to student Binyaam and his father, Isaias, Professor Brock Lambiso, in their office.

The next task will be to measure his hand when I go home, measure the raw materials and make him use it fully.

Addis Ababa University and the Academic Commission of the College of Health Sciences jointly held a meeting which decided that student Biniam Isaias should continue his medical studies. For this, we sincerely thank you for listening to our voice and returning student Binyaam to his studies.

Student Benjamin is currently back in school and is attending his fifth year of studies.

During the handover, Professor Brock Lambiso, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Medicine at Addis Ababa University, praised the strength of student Benjamin and said that they would support him in various fields.

Student Binyam and his father Ato Isaias thanked us by expressing their happiness for the support they received.

In this case, the biggest thing was to get student Binyaam back to school, and even though he doesn’t use his artificial arm, he can continue his medical education with his disability and be able to demonstrate what he can’t do and become a role model for others..

Written by Editor


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