Seifu Fantahun and his friends such as Tadele Roba attended DJ henike wedding.
“The tax system needs to be kept away from human touch” – Mayor Adanech Abebe
Addis Ababa City Administration is implementing the 2014 tax mobilization program.
Addis Ababa City Administration Mayor Adanech Abebe at the Movement Forum; The head of the revenue bureau, Mulugeta Tefera, and other city officials and taxpayers were present.
Mayor Adanech Abebe congratulated her on her good performance in 2014. He said revenue growth has increased by 11 billion by the end of 2013 and by 23 billion by 2014.
“As our revenue grows, our budget will increase and our people’s ability to respond to the demands of development and good governance will increase,” said Mayor Adanech Abebe.
We need to work together to modernize revenue collection and create a fair and equitable system, especially for stakeholders.
Expanding the tax base is one of the issues that Mayor Adanech said should be addressed this year; The institution must be prepared for property tax: Enabling the taxpayer to pay his taxes on time; Strengthen our law enforcement work; He said the institute will focus on strengthening human resources, inputs and technology.
Mayor Adanech also said the tax system should be modernized and if there is human touch, it will be wasted on corruption.
He also said that the city administration will double this month’s benefit to encourage employees who are on income tax.
Bureau Head Mulugeta Tefera, Head of the Addis Ababa Revenue Bureau, said at the opening of the forum that the city administration has increased its budget from 70 billion birr to 100.5 billion this year. He said this is an increase of about 30 billion birr, which is higher than the previous years, adding that we are committed to creating the capacity to fulfill our promise to the people under the direction of Mayor Adanech Abebe.
According to the mayor’s office, Mulugeta said they have been working to encourage and recognize loyal taxpayers this year.