

Hanan Tariqs amazing love life shared

Road damage caused by over 3.9 million birr
  An estimated 3.9 million birr worth of damage was caused on the city’s roads.

During the first six months of the fiscal year, there were 26 road crashes and 126 road accidents.

In all, 152 road accidents have caused an estimated 4 million birr worth of road damage in the last six months. This is an increase of 23.1 percent over the same period last year.
The Authority has paid 3.5 million birr in compensation for this year’s property damage. This indicates that the destruction of public roads is becoming a major concern.

Road resources damaged by the conflict include roadside poles, traffic signs, directional boards, sidewalks, sidewalks, drainage pipes, and gutters.

The Authority urges drivers to exercise due diligence as the frequent damage to road components, which play a key role in maintaining healthy traffic in the city, can lead to serious traffic accidents.

74 cars were stolen in Addis Ababa.

The Addis Ababa Police Commission told Ethio FM that 74 vehicles were stolen in Addis Ababa in the past six months.

The issue of car theft, which was once a challenge for Addis Ababa, is still unresolved.

The commander said that in the last six months alone, 74 cents have been stolen.

It is said that most of the cars were stolen by people close to the owner; The theft was also caused by the laziness and negligence of the people, the police said.

Car wash was also a major contributor to the theft, the commission’s public relations director, Fasikaw, told Ethio FM.

He said car theft is one of the most serious crimes in the country.

The main reason for the decrease in the number of serious crimes is said to be the coordination of the police and the community.

Written by Editor


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