Sophia said she has tried many times to bring famous artist Gigi shibabaw here. But as things stand Gigi preferred to stay away from her homeland. Gigi is one of the most loved and cherished artists in the country.
Fundraising is underway for the operation of the electric bus in Addis Ababa.
The Addis Ababa City Administration Transport Bureau announced that it is working to raise funds for the use of the electric bus in Addis Ababa.
Public Relations Officer of the Bureau, Aregawi Maru, told Bisrat Radio.
Electric buses will be charged at night and will be serviced throughout the day without wasting time.
The first corridor will be from the new market – Qera, the second corridor will start at Wingate and the destination will be Air Health.
The distance from the depot, their connection to the BRT corridors and market areas are the criteria for selecting the corridors for the pilot project.
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Thirteen people have been arrested for stealing Ethio Telecom cable in Oromia region
Ethio-Telecom Line Factory Arrested in Fiche City Administration, North Shoa Zone, Oromia Region Peacekeeping Process Owner Sergeant Kuma Hailu told Bisrat Radio in particular.
He said the theft and looting of infrastructure was mainly for personal gain and that the damage was aimed at the country and the community.
Ethio Telecom’s Divorce Branch Head, Degsew Tesfaye, said the frequent theft by Ethio Telecom in and around Fiche has caused problems for Ethio Telecom’s services. “We are working together,” he said.
Addisu Deseta, head of the Fiche City Electricity District, on his part, told Bisrat Radio that the task force has been set up to take action against the illegal installation of electricity in every neighborhood.