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Union Bank will inaugurate the 2.8 billion birr building on Saturday

Melaku Kebede, CEO of Union Bank, told Bisrat Radio that the 3,300-square-meter building, which has been built for the past 23 years, will be inaugurated on Saturday.

Union Bank will inaugurate its new 37-storey Hiber Tower on Saturday.

The building has world-class facilities with 13 compasses, more than 147 cameras, a 270-square-meter screen, and a multi-purpose, fully functional and efficient service.

Union Bank previously operated its headquarters in three different locations, but now it has opened a new facility in its new state-of-the-art facility, creating a customer-friendly system.

Melaku Kebede, CEO of Union Bank, told Bisrat Radio that the new building will save 1.5 million birr.


About 5,000 women die each year from cervical cancer in Ethiopia

Evidence suggests that cervical cancer is the second most common cause of breast cancer after cancer.

The Addis Ababa Health Bureau announced that a vaccination campaign will be launched to prevent the disease.

Addis Ababa Health Bureau Head Dr. Yohannes Chala gave a press statement today regarding the campaign.

The campaign, which began on January 4, will last until January 10, he said.

Nationally in 2012. According to Dr. Yohannes Chala, 3.6 million women have been vaccinated so far and 150,000 girls have been vaccinated at the Addis Ababa level.

This year, the week-long campaign will also provide 14-year-olds with the help of schools and health facilities.

He said 55,342 women are being recruited during the campaign.

Out of 7,000 women diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, 5,000 die, Dr. Yohannes Chala told Bisrat Radio.

Written by Editor


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