The Ministry of Transport and Logistics held a detailed discussion with the House of Peoples ‘Representatives’ Urban Infrastructure and Transport Affairs Standing Committee on the sector’s laws, policies, strategies and 10-year development plan developed over the past three years.
His Excellency W / ro Dagmawit Moges said the forum was organized as the Standing Committee needs to understand and monitor the policies, strategies, laws, regulations and 10 year plan formulated in the transport and logistics sector.
The forum was held for two consecutive days and the legal frameworks, sector policies, strategies, 10 year plan, international agreements and other documents presented to the Standing Committee were discussed by various experts.
The Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Urban Infrastructure and Transport Affairs, Shewit Shanka, said the forum was organized with a common understanding of the legal frameworks and plans in the transport and logistics sector. He mentioned that it is very important for follow-up work and it is a work in progress.
He said the Standing Committee has an important role to play in the success of the sector’s plans and the enactment of the necessary legal and policy frameworks.