
Hanan Tariq amazing family

Hanan Tariq started acting at her tender age. He outstanding performances attracted film makers and that helped her to be one who many of them sought after. Hanan describes her acting as it is naturally given to her.

More than 200 amazing taxi quotes

1. We want to live, not die!
2. We are not old enough to fight, even for love
Not enough!
3. Loneliness is the only thing that pleases the toilet
4. Mach kissed his lover Zebralai before he died
5. If we let go of the quarrel and fall in love, we will all be close
Except for the Creator
6. Arguing in a taxi is terrorism
7. We only load people if they have been accidentally uploaded
8. The worker gets the bread stored in his hand
9. Even if your neck is cut, it is the main health
10. Don’t remember your right to a taxi
11. When teff and pepper are popular, you complain about the taxi
12. The government and the passenger are about to get off
13. Power is a public administration, not a threat
14. I sleep because I have an immortal lord
15. My God, give me $ 100000000 and my health
16. The breast and the government will fall apart in time
17. Advise Advise If there is a reader, consult with a woman
18. A stone from the river that I used to bow down to
I looked like them
19. Don’t worry about losing my boyfriend
20. Come on in, take a look! ! Many people met and got married in our taxi
21. “There is a flow,” says a passenger in the square
22. When you love a person, you see nothing but his good character
let it be
23. One must love but two love is business
But loving three is smuggling
24. A man with a hammer head all nails
It seems
25. If you work, you will eat
26. God destroyed the donkey when he wanted to please the poor
It makes him get it
27. Get out of the tree if you feel inferior
28. It is better to weigh it than to burn it
29. Jealousy does not shake the pale face
30. It is the turn of the wise to walk
31. Even the passenger hides the dead
32. We have the trust of the Nile
33. A naughty man runs down a zebra
34. Knowledge from heat, but not from khat
35. Shall we pick up the zebra and make you a donkey (for drivers)?
36. We have no answer for gossip and five cents
37. Don’t squander your love to get into my heart
Take off your shoes
38. Anyone who has not seen the Nile can go and see it
39. If there was a girl in Tarsus, every man would be a farmer
It would be
40. Do not despise man
Pants take off
41. Well, there’s a Kaga goosebumps that we planted
To be stabbed
42. When a countryman trains, he dances in the news
43. The ignorant seem to have created the rich and the poor
44. No matter how long it takes, the downfall and the authority go down
45. It rained and the ground was muddy and they were picking it up
Post on the wall
46. Do not be a sheep in goat time
47. It is forbidden to tease the driver with something but lovingly
48. If education were a stick, a donkey would be a professor
49. A girl learns math, but we don’t see her pay
50. You call me poor and poor, but my thighs and hips
What did you say?
51. Answer We return to the forgotten matrix
52. Woman and lottery for those who do not want, but for those who want
They do not go out
53. Driver for roast 100 Birr Assistant for roast 50
We fill in the blanks
54. Hair loss and envy do not grow
55. A clear conscience is a comfortable pillow
56. Don’t run away from me
57. An unemployed passenger cab is seated
58. The invincible invites the rich
59. Do not let the wind blow you while driving Bajaj
She is a granddaughter
60. If a customer does not, he is a king
61. If you repeat the stone at night when you stumbled in the morning
The stone is you, not him
62. Guys, there is no bread, but if there is a stew, go to the restaurant
it was
63. Depression and bullying
64. Closer to You, all are near-flowing except the Creator
65. The quote from a poor house does not disappear from a rich house quote
66. Beetle’s habit is there
67. He who is sad in a frying pan is happy in a frying pan He is sad in love …..?
68. The golden rule of survival is only tolerance
69. Two cubits is one meter and then he is a liar
70. Mankind is a weed plant
71. A heart that does not get what it wants is a regular traveler
72. The cause of global warming is controversy
73. I smile a lot but my heart is for one person
74. The naughty cup is wide to his mouth
75. What would women have done if the mirror had been counted?
76. What would the poor man have swallowed if he had not drunk Kibe in his dream?
77. If you can read, it is a book for everyone
78. Do not utter a word that will not pass away
79. When you said you knew Bajaj, they took out a tape
80. This top is for Testa, not for education
81. No one cares more about us than ourselves
82. When you work low, everything looks low
83. No one likes to be picked up
84. Dispute with the driver who is arguing with the driver
85. If there is love, it will be a taxi bus
86. Pocket thieves stay and do not start work without accepting the bill
87. Why not when they hate you but when they love you?
88. Trust in yourself, not in people
89. Unpreparedness is preparation for failure
90. Don’t start an idea without paying a bill
91. It’s just a donkey that doesn’t work
92. It is forbidden to drive the driver with anything but love
93. Look at me, look for a job
94. Life and taxi will not be filled if you do not tolerate it
95. We do not learn until we are mad, but we know
96. Just give me the food wherever the grinder is
97. You can’t get two without holding one
98. He who gives what is left will remain empty
99. Keep your head down, not your pants
100. Live with standard, test is life

Written by Editor


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