
Artist Marta Goytom(Kiya) speaks about their relationship

Marta Goytom is the star actress of Kiya movie. This movie is one of the most viewed in the history of Ethiopian movies. The history of the movie revolves around a girl who fell in love with a fresh bachelor but with no reason he stopped seeing her on his birthday on which Kiya was waiting him to give him a surprise.

It is said that the Amhara Cultural Center to be built in Addis Ababa will support Alma’s development work

The construction of the Amhara Cultural Center will not only preserve the culture and traditions of the Amhara people, but will also help the development activities of the Amhara Development Association (ALMA).

A handover ceremony was held at the Amhara Cultural Center in Addis Ababa.

Melaku Fenta, CEO of the Development Association, said the cultural center to be built on 42,000 square meters of land will support Alma’s multi-sectoral development activities.

Addis Ababa City Administration Deputy Mayor, Service Institutions Coordinator, Jantar Abay, on his part said supporting Alman is supporting people who are suffering due to poverty in Amhara State.

The Prime Minister’s Security Adviser, Gedu Andargachew, called on the people of Amhara to support the construction of the cultural center.

Security problems in mining areas need to be addressed: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum

Addis Ababa: June 30, 2014 (FBC) The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum announced that an agreement has been reached with the Ministry of Peace to resolve security issues in the mining areas.

State Minister for Peace, Ms. Frealem Shabaab, participated in the discussions with the regions.

The Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Engineer Takele Uma, said the Ministry of Peace has reached an agreement on security issues in the mining areas.

“We have reached an agreement with the regions to get 1.5 billion USD from the sector next year,” he said.

In order for our plan to succeed, it is up to us to fix the problems in the sector.

“Ethiopia’s income from mining is increasing significantly,” he said.

He also said that he has received the highest income from the mining sector this year, according to his social media page.

Written by Editor


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