Dishtagina became famous since the artist appeared on Seifu show. Before that the views are less and far but now it is the most popular one.
The land on which it is built and the water that flows are ours!
Ethiopia | Ethiopia has no history of tyranny and aggression!
Will Ethiopia build the dam on Israeli orders? Al Jazeera’s interview with Mohammed al-Arusi
Muhammad’s answer: Their view of Ethiopia may change, but our view of the Arabs will not change.
Ethiopia has no history of aggression. We are not sick of that. Maybe you say this just because you want to paint Ethiopia as an Arab dew.
The world knows Egypt’s relationship with Israel. To cover this would be to cover the rising sun by hand. Ethiopia is not building the dam to destroy the Arabs. He is wrong if anyone believes that Egypt is trying to persuade non-partisan Arabs by making false accusations that they are accustomed to failing to win on their own. We will build the dam with our own money.
The land on which it is built and the water that flows are ours.
Do not say that Israel built the dam and the dam that we are building with our own money, to destroy Arabia.
Israel and Egypt have more diplomatic relations than Ethiopia. We have diplomatic relations with Israel, just like any other sovereign state. We do not have a relationship of jealousy beyond that. We should not get sick of this.