
Ethiopia has embarked on a crucial construction process by changing the direction of the Nile River.

Although the team submitted its final study report in June of that year, Ethiopia and Egypt could not agree on the interpretation of the report.

Incumbent Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has repeatedly called for the use of force in his televised speeches and discussions, with strong views on the dam.

Egypt has repeatedly said it will take the case to the International Court of Justice, but soon the two countries agreed to reach a political and technical agreement to implement the recommendations of the panel.

September 2014፡

At a UN General Assembly meeting in New York, the two countries agreed to resume talks on the Grand Renaissance Dam.

In November and December, the Ethiopian, Egyptian and Sudanese water ministers met in Khartoum to discuss the experts proposal, but it ended without agreement.

January 2015፡

The Ethiopian, Egyptian and Sudanese water ministers met in Khartoum for the third time and could not agree on the remaining issues.

In February, only the Ethiopian and Egyptian water ministers met in Addis Ababa, but no agreement was reached.

In March, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry announced that it was working hard to inform the international community of Egypt’s position on the Grand Renaissance Dam.

In April, Ethiopia called on Egypt to suspend its campaign on the Grand Renaissance Dam and return to tripartite talks.

In June, the leaders of Egypt and Ethiopia discussed the resumption of work of the tripartite committee during a joint African Union summit in Equatorial Guinea.

In August, water ministers of the three countries resumed talks in Khartoum.

At the suggestion of the experts, the two countries agreed to establish a committee headed by an independent international organization comprising of three countries.

September 2015፡

After the Egyptian and Sudanese water ministers visited the construction site of the dam, members of the tripartite committee met in Addis Ababa.

In October, they met in Cairo to select an independent international consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive study of the dam.

Written by Editor


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