Why the Institute
The foregoing points out the complexity of mental health problems and the current state of our country. It also shows us that if we do not set out on a path to positive change in time, we could face a worsening national crisis. And the direction of our solution must be to bring about lasting change in the system and to solve key problems. To achieve this, an institutional approach is needed. In other words, it is in the national interest to create a national institution to help solve our complex mental health problems.
The National Institute of Mental Health must take into account at least the following points.
1- Mental illness is a complex condition that causes not only health problems but also many other problems
- That it is necessary to periodically develop a national mental health strategic plan and monitor its implementation
- The importance of creating and working closely with indigenous cultural and spiritual resources
Fourth: There is a need to improve public awareness on mental health issues, and in particular focus on ways to reduce discrimination and stigma against people with mental illness.
5- Properly identify conditions that can prevent early mental health problems and require special attention. Take, for example, parenting.