
Veronica Adane on seifu show

Wind Phone Lafto sub-city building management and projects completed in 60 days in the sub-city will be inaugurated tomorrow in the presence of the top leaders of the city.

Head of the Addis Ababa Prosperity Party Office, Mr. Ato Alemu, with the help of special support, the work of modernizing and efficient service delivery with the help of technology, urban agriculture works, effective business reform to reduce the cost of living, controlling and taking action against illegal trade, construction of Locost condominiums, beautification of distribution roads. In order to strengthen work and security work, it is remembered that various human-oriented development works have been carried out in order to strengthen the day and night patrols carried out by the public army.

Also, among the activities that were specially planned and implemented in the last 60 days, the construction work of the district administration building was stopped due to various reasons, and solving the problems to complete the construction work and completing the construction to make it available for public use.

According to this, the administration building will be completed in a way that will enable the community of the district to get convenient and efficient services in one center and will be inaugurated tomorrow in the presence of the top leaders of the city.

In addition to the inauguration of the administration building, the entrance center, which was built in a beautiful manner and completed in a short period of time, the beautiful and attractive “Lafto Park” and various squares will be inaugurated and opened for use.

Written by Editor


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