Addis Ababa Transport Bureau announced that it is seeking funding to operate the electric bus in the capital.
The bureau said it is seeking financing for the purchase of electric buses with local and international stakeholders.
He said the buses will be tested by Sheger and Anbessa buses and four corridors near Shegole Depot have been identified.
The distance from the depot, their connection to the BRT corridors and market areas are the criteria for selecting a test application for the corridors.
The first corridor is planned from the new market – Qera, the second corridor will start at Wingate, Air Health, the third corridor will be from Legehar to the Victory Gate, and the fourth corridor will be from the bus lane – Asco.
The Addis Ababa Transport Bureau announced that it will further expand its reach by studying other corridors in the city.
The report of the Minister of Women and Social Affairs met with opposition.
The ministry has objected to its “Audit Five” Gender Equality Report for the 2013 fiscal year and its performance audit report on the preparation and implementation of women’s empowerment.
The House of Peoples’ Representatives, which heard the report, said it was disappointed with the audit report submitted by the Ministry of Public Expenditure Management and Control.
The ministry objected to the details of 13 cases in which it did not respond satisfactorily.
One of the issues was the lack of a system in place to identify and monitor discrimination against women.
Regarding gender information management, the Standing Committee noted that the Ministry’s database technology was low and that the accuracy of gender information was in doubt.
The office also criticized the audit report for not showing evidence of exploitation of women and adolescents.
The ministry is said to be lax in regularly reviewing and monitoring women’s work.
Therefore, the Standing Committee recommends that the Ministry address these and other shortcomings in its next audit report.