
Couples that are made for each other

These young couples started a marriage life earlier than usual. How ever they are having a fun life since then teaching others about how beautiful marriage is in every opportunity they found.

Samira Mohammed, who was recently injured, was given a home.

Samira Mohammed, who was recently given a job in Nifas Silk Sub-City Administration, was given a house today.

The family of Samira Mohammed, the victim; A handover ceremony was held in the presence of leaders and administrative staff.

Nifas Silk Sub-City Chief Executive Officer, Nechanet Daba, who handed over the keys to the house, said the administration will continue to support Samira.


Information Network Security Agency urges institutions to exercise extreme caution in the use of social media

The Information Network Security Agency (ESA) has said that Ethiopia’s and its people’s enemies and allies are using cyber-attacks from inside and outside to directly attack various infrastructure and information networks.

The agency said Ethiopia needs to be reminded of the current trends and attempts in the cyber environment in relation to law enforcement and survival campaigns as well as other regional and international realities.

He said these nefarious entities are working to create problems by using people who are not loyal to their profession, institution and country to give them the right to manage infrastructure and information systems and systems at home.

Repeat your review to ensure that individuals and groups who are authorized to manage any infrastructure and information networks and systems, whether authorized to administer systems or to enter the social media accounts of institutions, have been properly vetted. The information we received from the Network Security Agency indicates.

Written by Editor


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