
Addis Credit and saving institution Vacancy

Addis Credit and saving institutions invites fresh Graduates and qualified applicants for the following Vacant positions.

Position 1: Beginner customer service officer

Experience: 0/2 yes preferably women

Required : 25 emplyees
Salary: 7,399 (Base Salary)

Educational level :
BA degree in Accounting, management, economics, business administration, or any other related fields. You can also apply if you have College diploma (Level IV) with above related fields and can show you can compete with the degree holder applicants.

Work Place:
The place of work is assigned randomly and one of the following will be your place of work – One of Addis credit association branch districts in Addis Ababa, Sebeta district, Alemgena district, Sendafa district.

Position 2: Beginner accountant

Experience: 0/2 years

Required: 7

Salary: 7,399 (Starting base salary)

Educational level : BA degree in Accounting, management, economics, business administration, or any other related fields. You can also apply if you have College diploma (Level IV) with above related fields and can show you can compete with the degree holder applicants.

Work Place :
The place of work is assigned randomly and one of the following will be your place of work – One of Addis credit association branch districts in Addis Ababa, Sebeta district, Alemgena district, Sendafa district.

Position 3: Assistant Cashier

Experience: 1 years

Required: 3

Salary: 4,794

Educational level :
Level IV diploma in accounting, management, business administration, economics or any business related fields from recognized poly technical college or any government recognized university.

Work Place:
Different braches of Addis Ababa district offices or Alemgena district,  or Sebeta or Sendafa district.

Deadline: October 4, 2021
You can apply from Monday to Saturday office hour. (8:30 Morning to 5:30 Afternoon).


Qualified applicants should present their application with non-returnable copy of their curriculum vitae, education certificates supported by student copies, written experience from respective institutions or offices, and Original or temporary degree or diploma certificate approved by the university or college registrar.  For positions that require experience, direct job Experience is preferable and considerable.

Registration will be for 5 consecutive days since the announcement of this vacancy. Application is based on alphabetical order of the applicants. You can follow the following schedule and apply to the nearest district or branch office of Addis credit association to get further information but in person application will be held at the association HQ located on Churchill road. We wish you a successful and eventful application.

1. Name Starts with A to E – Tuesday September 28, 2021.

2. Name Starts with F to J – Wednesday September 29, 2021.
3. Name Starts with K to O – Thursday September 30, 2021.
4. Name Starts with P to T -Friday October 1, 2021.
5. Name starts with U to Z – Monday October 3, 2021.

Where to Apply?

Addis Credit and saving association, Head Quarter located at churchill road 1st floor office number 111.

For more information, please call 0111-26-26-88

Addis Credit And Saving Association S.C, Addis Ababa

Suggested Company News,

Bekele Belay Belay Belay, Deputy Managing Director of the Institute
The New Credit and Savings Institution is training its experts on various topics


7/1/2013 If you fail
Bekele Belay, Deputy Managing Director of Addis Credit and Savings Institution, conveyed a welcome message to the trainees. He thanked all the staff of the institute for the successful work of the institution in the last budget year.

According to the Deputy Managing Director, the institute will provide scientific and practical training to all employees at all levels of the institution to lead the transformation process.

Everyone involved in this training also entrusted them with the task of providing effective and convenient services to their clients.

He also called on the institution to fulfill its responsibilities in the field of transition and success. When the institution is successful, the executives will benefit from it.
Communication Division.

Written by Editor


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