
Interview with Jacky Goose on Seifu show

Interview with Jacky Goose on Seifu show. Jimma University’s role in science, technology and innovation should be taken as an example

Addis Ababa: August 26, 2014 (FBC) The Ministry of Innovation and Technology said Jimma University should set an example for others in its work in the field of science, technology and innovation.

State Minister for Innovation and Technology, Dr. Ahmedin Mohammed, discussed with Jima University leaders on issues related to science, technology and innovation.

President of the University, Dr. Jamal Abafita, said that the university has entered the market by designing and manufacturing medical equipment on its own.

State Minister for Innovation and Technology, Ahmedin Mohammed, said nearby universities need to be organized under the university cluster in order to build the capacity of the university in the technology sector.

He said the state will support efforts to bring students’ innovations to market.

According to information from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the leaders have also implemented a green fingerprint program.

A national conference on water filling of the 2nd Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is being organized by Dire Dawa University.

    A national conference titled "Environmental, Social, Economic and Geo-Political Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" is being organized by the Vice President of Research and Community Service in Dire Dawa.

   Dire Dawa University Deputy Mayor Ahmed Mohamed Buh, President of Dire Dawa University Dr. Ubah Adam, State Minister of Science and Higher Education Prof. Afework Kasu, invited presidents, vice presidents, scholars, university teachers and students, religious leaders and elders from various universities are also present at the conference. Invited Stakeholders Participate.

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