
Selamawit Yohannes Amazing Stage Performance 2021

This was a performance back im 2019 when things were still pretty awesome in the northern part of Ethiopia. Since then many Ethiopian artists are hiding from the social media platforms. Examples can be Selamawit Yohannes and Fryat Yemane.

The $ 8.4 million Ginci power station was inaugurated

The $ 8.4 million Ginci power station has been inaugurated.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Oromia Regional State President Shimeles Abdissa, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy Dr. Engineer Sileshi Bekele and senior federal and state officials.

The Ginci power station, part of the ADM and G project, was built at a cost of $ 8.4 million.

The substation will be powered by a 230 kV transmission line from Gefersa-Gedo to two 50-megawatt amplifier transformers.

The power station is 230/15 kV and is equipped with two 50-megapixel amplifier transformers.

It has a capacity of up to 100 MW and has ten 15-kilovolt cost lines.

Constructed by Larson and Turbo, an Indian company; He worked as a consultant for MVV Deacon, a German and Swiss company.

The four power stations to be built by Larson and Turbo are Akaki No. 2, Bishoftu No. 3, Dukem No. 2 and Squirrel No. 2 for a total of $ 56 million.

ENA reported that the Gincii power station will provide reliable power to the city and the surrounding area.

Written by Editor


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The $ 8.4 million Ginci power station was inaugurated

Selamawit Yohannes untold life journey