Famous actress Etsehiwot is one of few artists who have abundant money after she divorced her husband. She has received millions in compensation from the husband to raise the kids they have together.
Now is she telling her fellow fans that she is wrongly accussed of not paying her taxes on time.
Shan Tex Manufacturing Ethiopia, located at Bole Lemi Industrial Park, has started exporting its first product
Addis Ababa: 13/03/2014 (AMI) Shan Tex Manufacturing Ethiopia, a company based in Bole Lemi Industrial Park, has exported its first products to Italy.
The manufacturer has been working on 10 hectares of land in Bole Lemi Industrial Park and invested $ 65 million, and has now exported more than 45,000 sweaters to Italy. As a result, more than $ 80,000 was earned from export.
Shan Tex Manufacturing Ethiopia, a Chinese manufacturer of textile and apparel, supplies 90 percent of its products to the export market and the rest to the domestic market.
The manufacturing company has so far created 500 jobs in the first phase of the project, which is expected to create 4,500 jobs by the end of the first phase.
According to Industrial Park Development Corporation, the company, which plans to expand the project in the second phase, will create 7,500 jobs when fully operational.
Bole Lemi Industrial Park, located in Addis Ababa and opened in 2014, has 23 production sheds, 15 manufacturing companies and more than 25,000 permanent and temporary employees.