
Breaking News: Ethiopian news | PM Abiy Ahimed

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Bisrat Radio has learned that kidney transplant treatment that has been discontinued in Ethiopia has not yet started.

He told Bisrat Radio that the discontinuation of the treatment was putting a lot of economic strain on patients, putting unnecessary costs on them and putting a lot of pressure on them. Recognizing the seriousness of the issue, they have submitted a letter to the Minister of Health, Dr. Leah Tadesse, and are awaiting a response.

Dr. Lydia Tefera, Chief Provost of Medical Services at Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, told Bisrat that the treatment was discontinued following the introduction of the CVD virus, and that the hospital lacked the necessary medication and resources for transplant treatment. Regarding the bidding for the suppliers, he said the hospital has been terminated due to lack of resources. As a result, it is not known when the treatment will start.

According to Dr. Lydia, the hospital is working to obtain the necessary resources through the Ministry of Health and donor agencies. Dr. Lydia Tefera said that the transplant treatment will start as soon as the hospital receives these resources.

Written by Editor


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