The Addis Ababa City Traffic Management Agency is undertaking various activities to make the growing number of vehicles and road users in the city peaceful and acceptable. The city’s public transport service vehicles, which can only carry 25 or more people, are becoming more and more common in different parts of the city.
The bus route is different in color from other parts of the road and contributes significantly to the shortage of commuters in and out of work. It is also speeding up the bus times, making it easier for passengers to travel. It is also speeding up the bus times, making it easier for passengers to travel.
Bus drivers and users we spoke to told us that the bus community has been reduced in the long haul, which has increased the public’s interest in using public transport providers.
Only public transport vehicles are marked in red on the road and marked for buses only. The hours of service are from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and 4 ፡00 pm to 7:00 p.m. Although these lines play an important role in preventing accidents and speeding up the flow of traffic, there is a gap for road users, especially drivers, There are five major public transport routes in the city, including Mexico’s grass house German Square, Mexican Stadium, Legehar Piazza, Lambert Kara, and Anbessa Garage Goro. The agency is raising awareness about the use of the roads and the rules and is taking corrective action against drivers who violate the law.
Public transport drivers and users said the agency should strengthen its awareness and control work to sustain the results. He said similar activities would be carried out in other areas to reduce traffic congestion, especially during entry and exit hours, and encourage the public to use public transport instead of private vehicles.
The agency is preparing special routes for public transport vehicles on a 32-kilometer road in the city and is conducting research to expand its work.