Four former army officers, including Major General Mohammed Nishan, told the court that they had been forced to form Milishas by TPLF anti-peace leaders.
Addis Ababa: January 26, 2021. Four former army officers, including Major General Mohamed Nishan, who recently surrendered to the Defense Forces, told the court that they were forced to form minisas by TPLF anti-peace leaders.
The suspects were speaking at the first hearing of the Arada Division I Federal Court today.
The suspects were arraigned in Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nisha; Brigadier General Mulugeta Berhe, Colonel Gebre-Egziabher Gebre-Michael and Colonel Gebre-Wahed Hailu.
The Federal Police Commission’s investigation team, which brought the suspects to justice, released the suspects.
He explained that the TPLF’s anti-peace group and the OLF Shene anti-peace group had received a tip-off from the group’s top leaders that they had organized a Tigray Special Forces, attacked the North Command, on November 4, 2020, and looted its weapons.
He told the court that he was suspected of plotting to overthrow the constitution and the constitutional order by civilians until they surrendered.
Therefore, the investigating police requested an additional 14 days in accordance with the Code of Conduct to consolidate the investigation record with physical and documentary evidence.
The first suspect, Major General Mohammed Nisha, for his part, said he had fled Mekelle out of fear and hid and reported to the Axum Defense Forces through his family.
He consulted with his family and asked for a pension.
The 2nd suspect, Brigadier General Mulugeta Berhe, for his part, said, “We are the ones who surrendered to Axum. This is my address. This is my residence.
The 3rd suspect, Colonel Gebre-Egziabher Gebre-Michael, was also forced by the leaders of the group to explain to the court that I had collected the minis and had gone out of hiding.
The fourth suspect, Colonel Gebre Wahed Hailu, told the court that he had surrendered in the bush because we were worried at the time.
The trial court allowed the police 14 more days to investigate the case. The suspects were brought to Addis Ababa on January 23, 2013 and handed over to the federal police.