A monastery being guarded by animals in the center of Addis Ababa city.
Is it about to say “we and the Holy Spirit”
We heard this morning that the agenda of the Holy Synod to discuss the appointment of the Patriarch as myself was decided to be seen in the presence of the government representative. Inviting an unknown representative of the government, be it believer or non-believer, Muslim or Christian, in which not even priests and laymen except the holy bishops, shows us the level of humiliation we have reached.
On the one hand, when we consider that the Holy Synod is the last important body in the religious, canonical and administrative matters of the church; On the other hand, the Holy Synod is held under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As revealed in the Acts of the Apostles, when we see the words “we and the Holy Spirit” (Acts 15, 29), the decision to “let us have a government representative” is irreligious. Is the presence of the Holy Spirit not enough for a Synod meeting? ‘Let’s take a prayer and say a prayer. Our forefathers told us not to go down to a monastery and consult with God. We have invited the representative of the government. In fact, the canon says that when it comes to the case of the Patriarch (Patriarch), they should place a chair in the middle of their seats, place the Holy Gospel on it, the Archbishop should sit in front of them, stand up in unity and close the door and pray; “And examine the matter for which they have gathered secretly” (F.N. 168). How is it shown when the government representative is there? Even if an observer is needed if God sees us, aren’t the elders of the church qualified to be observers? Saint Paul said, “Is there not an intelligent man among you who can be an elder among the brothers?”
Inviting a government representative to attend the Holy Synod meeting on the one hand affects the supremacy of the Church and on the other hand violates the constitution; Finally, the canon is what destroys the church. The church has the right to decide its own affairs according to its own laws, canons and regulations without anyone’s interference or observation. Our ancestors have been arguing with the Synod of Egypt since the time of King Harbe to secure this sovereignty for their church. They were tired of the sultans of Egypt trying to find bishops, and the patriarchs of Egypt begging. The fact that a country that adopted Christianity before Egypt, is not able to decide its own affairs is amazing to them. Because it did not match the greatness of the church and the glory of the country.
Today, all that was forgotten and the fathers came who voluntarily said, “If you are not among us, we will not gather.” The early Abba was the originator of their saying, “Be thou with us.” Times have changed. In the past, the argument was, ‘Why does the government interfere in our affairs?’ We have reached an era where it is said, “If there is no government, we will not see this agenda.” Patriarchy is a matter of religion, like my own. Like myself, he deals with religious issues. The jurisdiction is the jurisdiction of the church. So why is the government needed? The Patriarch may have asked this question.