Why are you amazed at the idea of what you admired about the dance? There is no dance with out music in my opinion. There should be some motivating factor either imaginary or physically.
Did you like Dishta Gina Adam because he has a brother? I tell you the truth, this is not the story of Adam my brother; His name is Professor Gebre Intiso; He was president of Jinka University. By the way, if you have not listened to the song, you have not heard the speech.
Then? Alex, a great composer, composed the country music. The messenger grabbed him and went out into the courtyard. We did not even consider ourselves a stumbling block when it comes to giving undue prominence.
The soundtrack is not bad; He is reconciling. In the case of Ethiopia, the vocalist considers himself an Obasanjo. The TNG media welcomed him. The fans are upset that he came to our country.
Prime Minister Abebe says government fences in Bole and Lafto sub-cities are estimated at 600 billion birr
In Addis Ababa and other parts of the country, the government is in charge of telecommunications; It is said that the lands that he has shortened due to electricity and other reasons are causing a great deal of trouble as a country.
The House of Peoples’ Representatives is currently holding its first special session of the 6th round today.
In response to a question from members of the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister noted that there are areas where government resources are being wasted.
The government-owned lands in Bole and Lafto sub-cities have a wealth of 600 billion birr, which has been wasted, he said.
He added that the problem is not appropriate in a city where there is a shortage of housing.