Coffee Bank’s first lottery for health professionals and teachers has been announced today.
The lotteries were announced in public at the National Lottery Hall of Fame, and the teacher, a customer of the West Merkato branch, won the 2020 model Suzuki Dizyer.
At the awards ceremony, 12 laptops, 12 tablets and 24 smartphones were drawn.
In addition, 6 full holiday tour packages are available to the lucky winners.
Coffee Bank Strategy Chief Executive Officer, Menkir Hailu, said the first round of the program is aimed at remembering the country’s debtors and fostering a culture of saving.
He said the role of teachers and health professionals is crucial for a country’s prosperity and development.
Coffee Bank S.C. has been operating for 12 years and has more than 311 branches, according to the bank.
Agrofud and plastic printing packaging exhibition to be held in Ethiopia.
The trade fair will be held for the fourth time in collaboration with German trade fair Fair Trade and Ethiopian Prana Events.
The event will be held on October 4-6, 2014 at the Addis Ababa Skylight Hotel.
International leaders from various countries are expected to present agricultural, food and beverage processing technologies tailored to Ethiopia’s market needs.
In the past, plastic printing and packaging technology and solutions will be provided to more than 2,000 visitors, the organizers said in a statement.
Participants from Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kuwait, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and the United States are expected to attend the trade fair.