Addis Ababa, April 30, 2013 (FBC) The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) said it has made a profit of 13.4 billion birr in the past nine months. He said the bank has done a remarkable job in expanding its reach, increasing its deposits, generating customers and increasing its mobility. He further said that he will work hard to increase the activities and branches of modern technology.
The second round of rational youth dialogues is about to begin. The head of the office, Aklilu Tadesse, said that the online registration system for the participants has been facilitated and an online registration application will be launched in the next three days. He also explained that the writers are young scholars. The first round of the Rational Youth Dialog Forum, which concluded last February, was organized under the theme “Nation and Nation Building and the Role of Youth”. The dialect was held in 938 cities and was attended by more than 4.3 million young people, he said.
The people want peace. I am always happy to see you at this stage, and this is one of the things that makes us love Dr. Abby more. I personally like the way he treats talented and knowledgeable young people.
Election and rationality
Reasonableness is essential not only for choice but also for all aspects of life. Eating, drinking, traveling, sleeping, giving ideas, arguing, discussing, supporting, opposing, persuading, believing, and other activities of thought and action are good results. “Election” is the process of electing not only representatives but also programs for the formation of a government governed by the voice of the people. We must not forget.
Reasonableness is essential not only for choice but also for all aspects of life. Eating, drinking, traveling, sleeping, suggesting, arguing, discussing, supporting, opposing, persuading, believing, and other rational and practical activities are all accomplished. It is important to remember that during an election, it is significantly more important than ever.
The second round of rational youth dialogues is about to begin. The head of the office, Aklilu Tadesse, said that the online registration system for the participants has been facilitated and an online registration application will be launched in the next three days. He also explained that the writers are young scholars. The first round of the Rational Youth Dialog Forum, which concluded last February, was organized under the theme “Nation and Nation Building and the Role of Youth”. The dialect was held in 938 cities and was attended by more than 4.3 million young people, he said.