The Ministry of Transport and Logistics, together with the respondent institutions, conducted the Green Footprint Program in Wondo Gent District of Sidama National Regional Government.
Sidama, July 29, 2022: The Ministry of Transport and Logistics, together with the leaders and workers of the respondent institutions, carried out a sapling planting program for the third time this year in Wesha Sayama Kebele, Wondo Garden District, Sidama Region.
Honorable Minister of Transport and Logistics Ms. Dagmawit Moges, Head of Government of Sidama Region, Honorable Mr. Sadama Ledamo, Speaker of Sidama Region, Honorable Ms. Fantayi Kebede, Minister of State, Ministry of Transportation and Logistics, Heads of the respondent institutions, religious leaders, elders, senior leaders of Sidama Region. And experts carried out the plantation program.
The Honorable Mrs. Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport and Logistics, in her message on the program, said that the green footprint programs carried out in the last four years have been able to bring better results in efforts to change our country and to fix the environment and to solve drought and land degradation.
He pointed out that the sapling planting program held today at Wondo Genet is not only about planting saplings but also about taking care of the local community.
On his part, the Head of Government of Sidama Region, the Honorable Mr. Sadama Ledamo, stated that Sidama Region is contributing to the process of building a green and climate-resilient economy, as well as creating a comfortable environment for living and working. He said that the Ministry of Transport and Logistics and the responsible institutions have come to Wondo Gent district of Sidama region to plant saplings as it will help us achieve our goals.
Among the 100,000 saplings planned by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics along with the respondent institutions in the 4th round of this year’s green footprint program, it is worth remembering that more than 45,000 saplings were planted in Tsede Kebele, Lome District of East Showa Zone in two rounds.