

Artist Solomon Bogale and Melat Nebiyu engagement

Melat Nebiyu and Solomon Bogale are famous artists who have contributed a lot to the Ethiopian film industry. Both have their own children’s from their previous relationship.

South West Ethiopian People’s Regional State Education Bureau signs agreement with Mizan Tepe University

The agreement will help build the capacity of 1,552 secondary school teachers by providing postgraduate training.

According to Almaw Zewde, head of the South West Ethiopian People’s Regional State Education Bureau, the agreement will alleviate the problem of not receiving bachelor’s degree.
He said the teacher training has a significant impact on the quality of education and student achievement.

He said concerted efforts are needed to ensure the quality of education in the country.
He said the bureau is working hard to achieve educational development goals.

He said there are more than 2,000 teachers in natural and social application science who need training in the zones of the state.
Mizan Tepe University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Kassahun Msoto, on his part said training will be provided to 1,55 teachers who need training.

He said the university is undertaking various activities to ensure access to education and increase the benefits of the community.
He said preparations are underway to build the capacity of teachers in the state by providing training to experienced teachers.

He said he will receive teachers who need the rest of the training in the next round.

Head of the Regional Education Bureau, Almaw Zewde, and Mizan Tepe University Vice President for Education and Training, Dr. Kassahun Msoto, signed the agreement.
The ceremony was attended by the head of the state’s social affairs department, Deneke Mamon, as well as other regional and university officials.

Written by Editor


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