
'I am the one who fell in love first' Hanan Tariq



'I am the one who fell in love first' Hanan Tariq.

In order to make the movement to create a fertile, happy and prosperous society through family planning, the relevant parties are called upon to do their part.

Small, Happy and Prosperous Family in Ethiopia Project 2 (SHAPE2) Speaking at the opening workshop with stakeholders in Dreedawa, Head of Health Bureau of Dreedawa, Sr. Lemlem Zabah, said that the concerned parties should do their part to make the movement to create a happy and prosperous society led by family planning effective. .

Korea International Cooperation Organization (KOICA), which is financially supporting the (SHAPE2) project implemented in five regions and two city administrations in Ethiopia, Director Dr. Lee said, "We will continue to support the movement to solve the problems that arise in Ethiopia in terms of family planning and reproductive health and to create a happy, prosperous society led by family planning. He said.

The YONSEI GLOBAL HEALTH CENTER, which presented a research document in the training, stated that the use of family planning and reproduction is at forty-two percent. Out of the 300 women included in the study, only eighteen percent decide on their own, and because there are children between the ages of 15 and 19 who start giving birth. He pointed out that coordination procedures should be strengthened to change this situation.

Under the leadership of the Deputy Head of the Dredawa Administration Health Office, Yusuf Seyedna, a discussion was held about the study and our experience in Dredawa. Due to the lack of knowledge, the idea that we should all do our part to overcome these problems was reached at the workshop.


In heavy compensation

Photo: Dredawa Health Office

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