Mekdes Tsegaye talks about her love


Mekdes Tsegaye is a film maker director and media personality. She recently talks to popular media.

Housing information system to be implemented in nine towns in Oromia region


Addis Ababa: A state-of-the-art information management system will be implemented in nine towns of Oromia State in accordance with the plan to address the grievances of urban dwellers.


The implementation of the Housing Information Management software, which is believed to play a key role in filling the gaps in housing information management, has been officially launched today.


The Minister of Urban and Infrastructure Development, Khaltu Sani, who was present at the launch, said the information system is very important in resolving urban housing data management complaints.


He said the ministry has developed software to address this challenge by creating an unfair distribution of housing in the cities, which has led to public outcry.


Explaining to the leaders and executives from the nine cities, Tsegaye Moshe, a representative of the Ministry of Urban and Basic Development, Housing Development Administration Bureau, called on the people at the kebele level to pay close attention to the software.


Oromia Regional State Urban Housing and Development Bureau Head, Guyo Gilgelo, on his part said the information system is very important to register, repair and renovate more than 122,000 kebele houses in the state.


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