Best photos and interviews of Leza award



Any gem of knowledge will be a shining diamond if it is carefully crafted. Experience is knowledge, knowledge is wisdom, and wisdom continues to exert influence on generations.

"What is the wisdom of war? And what is the wisdom of war?" You can tell me. But I just want you to read Sun Tzu.


San 'Su describes the battle as "wisdom" in thirteen short chapters. It is believed that he wrote the "art of war" five hundred years before Christ. It is speculated that the author's identity could not be ascertained. They even called the author a 'literary bandit'. It confuses him with other Chinese philosophers of his day.

Like any irreplaceable individual contribution, the identity of the true author is controversial as there are hackers who have added to his contribution.


Nikolo Machiavelli wrote the political appendix "The Princes" to Lorenzo de Medici, ruler of one of Italy's then-dispersed provinces. But the judge ignored the author's advice. The author's advice on how to use political force can be very effective. The book is intended for those who have a tendency to use power by force and by force.


Deception can also be "wisdom." Depth and depth determine. The same goes for Sansu's martial arts. Sansu's wisdom was bestowed on the rulers of one of the provinces of China at that time.


After Sansu gave the king this art of warfare, its effectiveness was tested on women. The king commanded that a large army be given to him to train him. Sansu started the training.

"Go ahead, turn right, go where you are," he commanded. The women died laughing. He repeated the command. The women's laughter intensified.



Sansu said:  "If the message conveyed by the commander is not clear and unambiguous, it is the commander's fault. However, if the order is lost while the order is clear and unambiguous, it is the executor's fault. "

With that, he chose the most important of the king's concubines and rose to behead them. 


The king was shocked to learn that he was on the roof of his house. He immediately sent a messenger to Sansu. "If you kill these women (my best tastes), the food I eat and the wine I drink will lose its flavor. I command you not to shave the necks of my best concubines. ”

Sansu replied: "I have been given the responsibility of training these women in accordance with the instructions given to me by Your Majesty. "Therefore, I have to reject some of the breaking orders from the king so that I can fulfill this difficult task."


After answering this question, he beheaded the tops of the cows (those who had refused to obey the general's order that the king would save them). Instead of scratching their necks, they went to the next level of excellence.


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